A presentation at IBM Webinar by Shawn Wells
Current & Future State of Linux on System z Updated 13-APR-2009
Agenda & Introduction ● Red Hat System z Business Update ● RHEL 5.3 Update (released 20-JAN 2009) – What’s new? – What’s new specifically for System z? ● Future Tech / Upstream Development Efforts
Agenda & Introduction Shawn Wells swells@redhat.com Global System z Alliance Manager (+1) 443 534 0130 ● Based in Washington, D.C. ● Global responsibility for Red Hat’s System z activities
System z Business Update
Red Hat / IBM Relationship ● ● ● Cross platform relationship founded in the late 90s (when Red Hat incorporated) Started releasing RHEL for s390 in 2001 Formal Linux on System z agreement & announcement in 2007 (http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/21513.wss) ● Red Hat has dedicated staff to System z (we haven’t done this for any other H/W platform)
RED HAT INTERNAL USE ONLY – CONTAINS FINANCIAL DATA Why move to System z? RHEL Subscription Cost Elimination/Prevention Cost/Savings of RHEL On System z 25-t o-1 Consolidat ion Rat io $7,000,000.00 $6,000,000.00 $5,000,000.00 $ Saved $4 ,000,000.00 1 YEAR 3 YEAR $3,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $0.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 # IFLs 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
RED HAT INTERNAL USE ONLY – CONTAINS FINANCIAL DATA Why move to System z? 3rd Party ISV Costs ● Oracle DB – MSRP * #cores * CPU_Factor – SUN: $40,000 * 8 * 1.7 = $544K – z9 = $40,000 * 1 * 1 = $40K – z10 = $40,000 * 4 * 1 = $160K
RED HAT INTERNAL USE ONLY – CONTAINS FINANCIAL DATA Why move to System z? Environmental “Go Green” Factors ● Bank of New Zealand – One of the top 50 largest banks in the world – Offices in 4 continents, 15 countries – Mainframe RHEL since September, 2008 ● ● ● – SWIFT ($10B/day) PCBB ($4M/day) Teller Banking Applications Carbon neutral by 2010
RED HAT INTERNAL USE ONLY – CONTAINS FINANCIAL DATA Why move to System z? Environmental “Go Green” Factors ● Bank of New Zealand (cont) – Consolidated 131 SUN servers to RHEL on z10 – Mix of small, medium, large: 280Rs, V440s, E10Ks SUN RHEL & z10 Power (kW/hr) 36 22 38% less Heat (kBTUs/hr) 110 74 33% less Space (Racks) 6.5 4.5 31% less Carbon Emissions 66 40 39% less
RED HAT INTERNAL USE ONLY – CONTAINS FINANCIAL DATA Why move to System z? Performance ● 104 SUN cores to 7 z10 EC IFLs – Large US Government customer – 700M+ rows in Oracle – 104 SUN cores, incl prod/dev/test, ● – Processing time 3 days 7 z10 EC IFLs, incl prod/dev/test, ● Processing time < 15 minutes, peak utilization of 55%
Global RHEL on System z Market Share Updated 11/2008 Market Share 37.2% 5000 4 500 18.4% 4 000 3500 11.7% RED HAT IFLs IBM IFLs Qty IFLs Sold 3000 7.8% 2500 1% 2000 1500 1000 0% 500 IBM IFLs RED HAT IFLs 0 CY2003 CY2004 CY2005 CY2006 Calendar Year CY2007 CY2008
Red Hat Development & Subscription Model
Red Hat Development Model COMMUNITY - Development with “upstream communities” - Kernel, glibc, Apache, etc - Collaboration with open source community; individuals, business partners, customers
Red Hat Development Model FEDORA - Bleeding edge - Sets technology direction for RHEL - Community supported - Released ~6mo cycles - Fedora 8,9,10 = RHEL6 Fedora for System z @
Red Hat Development Model RHEL - Stable, matured - Q&A, testing - H/W & S/W Certifications - 7yr maintenance - Core ABI compatibility - Major releases 2-3yr cycle
Red Hat Development Model 2006 2007 2009 2008 2010 2011 RHEL 2.1 3 … U7 U8 U9 RHEL 4 U3 U4 4.5 4.9 4.8 4.7 4.6 RHEL 5 5.1 RHEL 4.7 GA planned for July 21st. 4.8 as an extension of hardware enablement in planned for early 2009. ● Limited hardware enablement focused on making platforms run RHEL4. ● Phase 2 at least until Q4 / 2009 (depends on RHEL6 schedule, TBD). ● 4.9 as the last minor release, then transition into Phase 3. 5.2 5.3 5.4 ● ● RHEL 3 in Maintenance phase (no new hardware, critical changes only). ●.New hardware still available through virtualization ● Improved para-virtualized drivers are released. ● RHEL .next RHEL 5 public release on March 14th, 2007 Introducing Virtualization and the Advanced Platform. 5.2 released May 21, 2008 5.3 January 2009, schedule extended to better sync with hardware schedules. No fixed schedule for next major release yet. Currently in planning and requirements phase. Planning is driven by customer and partner requirements. Further announcements to come.
Linux on System z Support C O N S U L T A N T S T E C H A C C N T M G R S Level 3: Special Engineering Custom Patches, Code Re-writes, Interim Patches, Application Redesign Level 2: Advanced Support Reproduce Problems, Grouped via Skillsets Level 1: Front Line Support Known Issues, Initial Troubleshooting, Everyone is minimum RHCE Support via Red Hat
Linux on System z Support C O N S U L T A N T S T E C H A C C N T M G R S Level 3: Special Engineering Custom Patches, Code Re-writes, Interim Patches, Application Redesign Level 2: Advanced Support Reproduce Problems, Grouped via Skillsets Level 1: Front Line Support Known Issues, Initial Troubleshooting, Everyone is minimum RHCE Support via Red Hat P A R T N E R T A M Level 2: Advanced Support Reproduce Problems, Category Specialists Level 1: First Responders Basic Support Support via IBM
RHEL 5.2 Tech Deep Dive
RHEL 5.2: Technical Review ● Accelerated in-kernel Crypto – ● Support for crypto algorithms of z10 (SHA-512, SHA-384, AES-192, AES-256) Two OSA ports per CHPID; Four port exploitation – Exploit next OSA adapter generation which offers two ports within one CHPID. The additional port number 1 can be specified with the qeth sysfs-attribute “portno” Support is available only for OSA-Express3 GbE SX and LX on z10, running in LPAR or z/VM guest (PFT for z/VM APAR VM64277 required!)
RHEL 5.2: Technical Review ● ● SELinux per-package access controls – Replaces old packet controls – Adds secmark support to core networking Add nf_conntrack subsystem – Allows IPv6 to have stateful firewall capability – Enables analysis of whole streams of packets, rather than only checking the headers of individual packets
RHEL 5.2: Technical Review ● ● Audit Subsystem – Support for process-context based filtering – More filter rule comparators Address Space Randomization – Address randomization of multiple entities – including stack & mmap() region (used by shared libraries) (2.6.12; more complete implementation than in RHEL4) – Greatly complicates and slows down hacker attacks
RHEL 5.2: Technical Review ● High Resolution Timers – Provide fine resolution and accuracy depending on system configuration and capabilities - used for precise in-kernel timing
RHEL 5.3 Tech Deep Dive
RHEL 5.3 Overview ~150 additions, ~3,400 BugZillas FasTrack Features Hardware Other ● ● ● ● 7% FasTrack Early release of low impact fixes 7% Hardware Enablement New chipsets & processor feature support 21% New Features Feature requests from customers & partners 65% “Other” Feature enhancements, Bug fixes, Documentation
RHEL 5.3: Technical Review ● Highlights – Added RAID 4/5/10 in dm-raid – DHCPv6 Support – Inclusion of OpenJDK ● ● ● – Full open source JDK for Java 1.6 support Tested with Java SE 1.0 Technical Compatibility Kit (TCK) ==> 100% x86 and x86_64 architectures only! Root ( / ) and SWAP encryption support in the installer
RHEL 5.3: Technical Review ● Highlights, cont – Improved Audit & Logging ● TTY Input audit support
RHEL 5.3: Technical Review xDR System Initialization for LPAR Clients (Red Hat BugZilla 184770, IBM BugZilla 37874) ● ● ● This requirement enables a new version of the “GDPS/PPRC Multiplatform Resiliency” disaster recovery solution. This new version will support site failover and Hyperswap (transparent storage subsystem failover) to Linux running in a zSeries LPAR (in a next step) non-zSeries Linux images attached to an ESS
RHEL 5.3: Technical Review GCC 4.3 Inclusion (latest z10 instruction support) (Red Hat BugZilla 439479, IBM BugZilla 43379 ) ● Includes the following z10 specific patches to GCC – Introduce TARGET_MEM_CONSTRAINT macro – Introduce ‘enabled’ insn attribute – S/390: Exploit the ‘enabled’ insn attribute – S/390: Replace ‘m’ with ‘RT’ constraints – S/390: Add the -march=z10/-mtune=z10 options for z10 – S/390: Support the new instructions introduced with z10 – S/390: z10 pipeline description – PR36822 recog: Reorder extra memory constraint checks for inline assemblies – S/390: Fix -march=z9-ec -msoft-float
RHEL 5.3: Technical Review GCC 4.3 Inclusion (latest z10 instruction support) (Red Hat BugZilla 439479, IBM BugZilla 43379 ) ● Includes the following z10 specific patches to GCC – Overall improvement with z10 versus z9: 1.9x Graph taken from Mustafa Mešanović’s T3 Boeblingen presentation, 1-JULY 2008, “Linux on System z Performance Update”
RHEL 5.3: Technical Review Long Numbers Generation (Red Hat BugZilla 439440, IBM BugZilla 43340) ● ● Provides access to the random number generator on the crypto card in order to meet high volume random number requirements Frequently useful when high amount of SSL handshakes occur (JBoss, WebSphere, etc), or encryption/decryption (remember, encrypted SWAP is now supported!) ● Specific performance numbers not available at this time from Red Hat… but we do have IBMs.
RHEL 5.3: Technical Review Long Numbers Generation (Red Hat BugZilla 439440, IBM BugZilla 43340)
RHEL 5.3: Technical Review Long Numbers Generation (Red Hat BugZilla 439440, IBM BugZilla 43340) ● The number of handshakes is up to 4x higher with HW support. ● In the 32 connections case we save about 50% of the CPU resources Graphs taken from Mustafa Mešanović’s T3 Boeblingen presentation, 1-JULY 2008, “Linux on System z Performance Update”
RHEL 5.3: Technical Review CPU Node Affinity (Red Hat BugZilla 447379, IBM BugZilla 44875) ● Newer hardware (System z10 EC) supports an interface which can be used to get information about the CPU topology of an LPAR. – This can be used to optimize the Linux scheduler which bases its decisions on which process gets scheduled to which CPU on the CPU topology. – This feature should increase cache hits and therefore overall performance as well. English Version: You dedicate 2 z10 IFLs to a RHEL5 VM. We can then pin applications to specific cores, or to IFLs in their entirety.
RHEL 5.3: Technical Review Integration of icainfo into libICA (Red Hat BugZilla 439484, IBM BugZilla 43383 ) icainfo is a part of the SHA & AES enhancements. It shows the customer which CPACF instructions are available in their system. ● libica allows customer applications to speed up cryptographic operations by using the CP Assist for Cryptographic Function (CPACF) facility. ● A new tool called ‘icainfo’ allows the customer to display a list of all CPACF operations supported by libica. ● This is helpful to verify that CPACF is correctly enabled on a particular system. ●
RHEL 5.3: Technical Review OSA 2 Ports per CHPID Installer Support (Red Hat BugZilla 439461, IBM BugZilla 43371 ) ● Anaconda now supports both ports on CHPID for OSA Express3 cards. – The installer will prompt for the port number in the initial stage of the installation. – The value provided for the port also affects installed network interface startup script. When port 1 is selected, the value “portno=1” is added to OPTIONS parameter of ifcfg-eth* file. Note: When installing under z/VM, you can add either PORTNO=0 (to use port 0) or PORTNO=1 (to use port 1) to the CMS configuration file to avoid being prompted for the mode.
RHEL 5.4 Tech Deep Dive (Planned Features)
RHEL 5.4: Works In Progress ● ● This list includes items currently under development, and is not a commitment to include features. – Is there something you must have? Let us know! It only took two customer request to back-port NPIV into RHEL 4.8. Your feedback matters! – If you have a BugZilla account (it’s free!), you can use this link to view latest information – Don’t have an account? Sign up at http://bugzilla.redhat.com/ Expected ETA: Mid-Late 2009
RHEL 5.4: Works In Progress BugZilla Feature Description 475345 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Change list of Anaconda network alternatives to indicate supported devices on System z [201679] 475346 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Improve checking mechanisms and workflow of Linux on System z Anaconda install process [201676] 475350 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Dialog defaults for Linux on System z specific Anaconda [201677] 475358 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Adjust Anaconda Swap recommendations to Linux on System z specifics [201680] 475520 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Intuitive dump device configuration workflow and dialogue [201624] 475675 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] cio_ignore entry in generic.prm for LPARs [201085] 475677 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Firstboot for System z [201092] 461288 [EMC 5.4 feat] Require kernel support to issue Control I/O to CKD dasd on EMC Symmetrix arrays 472936 [SEC] extension of linuxrc.s390: improved workflow, dialog defaults, indicate supported network devices 474679 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Dynamic CPU hotplug daemon for System z [201132] 474942 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Add vmconvert option to vmur tool [201758] 475333 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] FCP - Performance Data collection & analysis (userspace) [201591] 475552 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] FCP - Performance data reports [201730] 475557 [SEC] [LTC 5.4 FEAT] DS8000 Disk Encryption [201740]
RHEL 5.4: Works In Progress BugZilla Feature Description 475558 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] TTY terminal server over IUCV (userspace) [201735] 475564 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Shutdown actions interface (userspace) [201748] 475569 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Shutdown actions tools [201755] 475571 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Large image dump on DASD [201752] 475670 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Program directed IPL support - no XML in system dumper [200782] 477189 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Pick up latest version of s390-tools 474646 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Kernel NSS support - kernel part [200790] 474664 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] System z support for processor degradation [200975] 474688 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Automatic IPL after dump (kernel) [201169] 475530 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Extra kernel parameter via VMPARM [201726] 475551 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] TTY terminal server over IUCV (kernel) [201734] 475563 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Shutdown actions interface (kernel) [201747] 475570 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Provide service levels of HW & Hypervisor in Linux [201753] 475572 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] HiperSockets Layer3 support for IPv6 [201751]
RHEL 5.4: Works In Progress 475820 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Linux to add Call Home data [201167] 477188 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] ETR support 475343 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Provide CMS script for initial IPL under z/VM [201594] 475548 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] FCP - Performance data collection (blktrace) [201729] 475669 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] snIPL SCSI LOAD for LPAR [200787] 472764 let mkinitrd default to recreating the initrd for the currently running kernel 474912 [SEC] [LTC 5.4 FEAT TRACKER] Web 2.0 474917 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Web 2.0 - Inclusion of package ‘mod_security’ [201558] 474924 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Web 2.0 - Inclusion of package memcached [201469] 474925 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Web 2.0 - Inclusion of package Apache MyFaces Core 474926 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Web 2.0 - Inclusion of package perl-CGI-Session [201471] 474927 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Web 2.0 - Inclusion of package mysql-connector-java [201472] 474928 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Web 2.0 - Inclusion of packages ‘rubygems-actionwebservice’ and ‘rubygems-tzinfo’ [201556] 474929 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Web 2.0 - Inclusion of package ‘rubygems-rake’ [201554] 474930 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Web 2.0 - Inclusion of packages ‘rubygems-actionpack’, ‘rubygems-activerecord’, ‘rubygems-activesupport’, ‘rubygems-actionmailer’ [201555] 474932 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Web 2.0 - Inclusion of package rubygems [201465] 474933 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] Web 2.0 - Inclusion of package rubygem-rails [201466] 475334 [LTC 5.4 FEAT] FCP - Performance Data collection (kernel) [201590] 468172 [SEC] FEAT: 201085: cio_ignore entry in generic.prm for LPARs
Appendix RHEL 6.0 Tech Deep Dive (Planned Features)
RHEL 6.0: Works In Progress ● ● This list includes items currently under development, and is not a commitment to include features. – Is there something you must have? Let us know! It only took two customer request to back-port NPIV into RHEL 4.8. Your feedback matters! – If you have a BugZilla account (it’s free!), you can use this link to view latest information – Don’t have an account? Sign up at http://bugzilla.redhat.com/ Expected ETA: Early 2010
RHEL 6.0: Works In Progress 462973 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201679:Change list of Anaconda network alternatives to indicate supported devices on System z 462974 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201677:Dialog defaults for Linux on System z specific Anaconda 462975 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201676:Improve checking mechanisms and workflow of Linux on System z Anaconda install process 463177 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201686:Installer - HiperSockets MAC Layer Routing Support 463180 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201687:Installer - QETH Componentization 463184 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201690:Installer - FCP LUN discovery tool 463187 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201688:Installer migration - Merge CTCMPC into CTC device driver 463831 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201764:Installer enhancement - FICON Hyper PAV enablement 463564 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201092:Firstboot for System z 462976 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201674:Pick up latest version of s390-tools 462977 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201675:Pick up latest version of libica 463208 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201730:FCP - Performance data reports 463560 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201132:Dynamic CPU hotplug daemon for System z 463688 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201591:FCP - Performance Data collection & analysis (userspace) 463707 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201735:TTY terminal server over IUCV (userspace)
RHEL 6.0: Works In Progress 463806 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201748:Shutdown actions interface (userspace) 463812 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201752:Large image dump on DASD 463822 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201757:Automatic IPL after dump (userspace) 463823 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201758:Add vmconvert option to vmur tool 463826 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201754:Extend lstape to support SCSI tapes 463650 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201303:Provide a utmp format that is compatible between 32 and 64 bit. 463795 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201184:Provide DFP hardware accelerated libgcc 463796 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201183:System z optimizations for gcc 2007 463830 [SEC] [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201765:Compiler- Architecture Level Set for IBM System z9 and newer 463541 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201066:QETH Componentization 463583 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201162:CMM2 Merge for Upstream Integration (Full version) 463601 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201171:FCP Automatic Port Discovery 463602 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201169:Automatic IPL after dump 463678 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201546:FCP - code cleanup stage 2 463679 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201545:FCP - code cleanup stage 1
RHEL 6.0: Works In Progress 463689 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201590:FCP - Performance Data collection (kernel) 463692 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201593:Sysplex Timer Protocol Support 463694 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201592:Exploitation of DCSSs above 2G 463695 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201723:Kernel Message Catalog autogeneration - Stage 1: infrastructure 463696 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201728:Secondary unicast addresses for qeth layer2 devices 463697 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201725:Pre-allocated headers for HiperSockets (qeth driver) 463698 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201727:Kernel Message Catalog autogeneration - Stage 3: DASD, tape, QETH and CIO 463699 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201726:Extra kernel parameter via VMPARM 463700 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201724:Kernel Message Catalog autogeneration - Stage 2: all s390 drivers and s390 arch. code except for DASD, tape, CIO and QETH 463706 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201736:Suport for HiperSockets Sniffer 463708 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201734:TTY terminal server over IUCV (kernel) 463710 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201743:FCP - SCSI error recovery hardening 463799 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201747:Shutdown actions interface (kernel) 463804 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201750:HiperSockets enhanced SIGA 463805 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201749:I/O dynamic configuration support 463811 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201753:Provide service levels of HW & Hypervisor in Linux 463825 [LTC 6.0 FEAT] 201756:Linux support for dynamic memory attach
Open Discussion / Q&A
Session delivered a Red Hat System z business update, RHEL 5.3 updates, and future technology development efforts. Technical updates included accelerated in-kernel crypto algorithms for IBM z10, SELinux per-package access controls, nv_conntrack subsystem, and other kernel topics such as address space randomization.